If you have been off sick for more than 7 days you can request a sick note. Please visit this page and select 'Admin query' then 'Fit (sick) note'. Please complete the form with as much information as possible.
Allow up to 2 working days to process your request.
If you are unable to follow the link please call the reception team on 020 8399 6362 and a member of the team will fill out your request on your behalf (please only call if needed to keep the phone lines free and the receptionists able to do other work).
If you are off work sick for more than seven days, your employer will usually ask you to get a fit note from your doctor.
The note can say that:
The seven days include days that you don’t normally work. So, when you work out how long you’ve been off sick, include weekends and bank holidays.
If you’re off work for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form about yourself when you return to work. We call this self-certification. Some employers have their own self-certification form. If yours does not, use HMRC: Employees Statement of Sickness on GOV.UK.
If you want a letter from the GP explaining that you have recently been ill (Not a fit note, but something you may need to share with a Gym, Holiday Company, Court etc). This will be considered non NHS work and there is a charge for this work to be completed.